Checklist, typification details, and nomenclature status of ascomycetous fungi originally described in Sri Lanka 611 NO. 1: 31 AUG. 2023, pg 1-105, Magnolia Press, New Zealand

Wijayawardene NN, Dong-Qin Dai, Premarathne BM, Wimalasena MK, Jayalal RGU, Wickramanayake KD, Dangalla H, Jayathunga WH, Brahmanage RS, Karunarathna SC,  Weerakoon G, Ariyawansa KGSU, Yapa PN, Madawala S, Nanayakkara, CM, Fan X, Kirk PM, Zhang G, Ediriweera A, Bhat DJ, Dawoud TM, Tibpromma S & Wijesundara DSA,
Publication year: 2023

ISBN 978-1-77688-862-7 (PAPERBACK)

ISBN 978-1-77688-863-4 (ONLINE EDITION)

Checklist, typification details, and nomenclature status of Basidiomycota, originally described from Sri Lanka, PHYTOTAXA 621 (1), pp 01-86, Magnolia Press, New Zealand

Karunarathna SC, Priyashantha AKH, Tibpromma S, Galappaththi MCA, Premarathne BM, Wijayawardene NN, Wimalasena MK, Jayalal RGU, Wickramanayake KD, Dangalla H, Jayathunga WH, Brahmanage RS, Weerakoon G, Ariyawansa KGSU, Yapa N, Nanayakkara CM, Ediriweera S, Fan X, Kirk PM, Zhang G, Ediriweera A, Bhat DJ, Dawoud TM, Kumara KLW, Deng CY,  Dai DY, Wijesundara S. &  Madawala S.
Publication year: 2023

ISBN 978-1-77688-894-8 (paperback)

ISBN 978-1-77688-895-5 (Online edition)