Production of amylase enzymes from fungi isolated from Eucalyptus leaf litter

Peer reviewed articles published in indexed journals (other than SCI) and as conference papers
GLSN De Silva, CM Nanayakkara, SS Ediriweera, NN Wijayawardene, KGSU Ariyawansa
Proceedings of the 12th YSF Symposium, National Science and Technology Commission, Sri Lanka
Publication year: 2024

Characterization of Bacillus velezensis DCJ 2 isolated from the rhizosphere soil of aglaonema ‘Maria’ and investigation of its plant growth-promoting effects

Peer reviewed articles published in indexed journals (other than SCI) and as conference papers
Subhashini MHAD, Nanayakkara CM, Senanayake DMJB
Brazilian Journal of Development, 10 (05) Pg. 1-23; 
Publication year: 2024

Cellulolytic, amylolytic activity and antibacterial properties of fungal endophytes isolated from Avicennia marin

Peer reviewed articles published in indexed journals (other than SCI) and as conference papers
RGS Anurangi, CM Nanayakkara, SS Ediriweera, NN Wijayawardene, RPPK Jayasinghe, KGSU Ariyawansa
Publication year: 2024

Water footprint of paddy cultivation under controlled runoff conditions: a case study in Kurunagala district, Sri Lanka, 

Peer reviewed articles published in indexed journals (other than SCI) and as conference papers
Palliyaguru MPGNM, Navaratne CM, Wickramasinghe DD and Nanayakkara CM
Tropical Agricultural Research and Extension, 26(2). Pg. 122-134
Publication year: 2023

Investigation of Impact of phosphate fertilizer applied to paddy fields on water quality of nearby reservoirs, 

Peer reviewed articles published in indexed journals (other than SCI) and as conference papers
Palliyaguru MPGNM, Navaratne CM, Wickramasinghe DD and Nanayakkara CM
International Journal of Current Science and Research and Review, 6(4); 2438-2442; DOI: 10.47191/ijcsrr/V6-i4-25
Publication year: 2023

Antibacterial activities of lichen-associated fungi in mangrove ecosystems in Sri Lanka as potent candidates for novel antibiotic agents

Peer reviewed articles published in indexed journals (other than SCI) and as conference papers
Happitiya HADNN, Nanayakkara CM, Ariyawansa KGSU, Ediriweera SS, Wijayawardene NN, Jayasinghe RPPK, Don-Qin Dai, Karunarathna SC
SLIT International Conference on Advancements in Sciences and Humanities, pg. 397-403
Publication year: 2023

The antimicrobial potential of Lasidiplodia theobromae inhabiting the lichen Heterodermia available in Sri Lanka, 

Peer reviewed articles published in indexed journals (other than SCI) and as conference papers
Mathushika MJ, Nanayakkara, CM, Jayalal RGU, and Thanthrige S.
Journal of Innovation Sciences and Sustainable Technologies, 2(3), 129-136;
Publication year: 2022
  • (2022).

Reaction of Chilli (Capsicum annuum L.) accessions for mixed infection of Colletotrichum capsici and Colletotrichum gloeosporioides and molecular analysis of associated NBS-LLR disease resistant gene analogues, 

Peer reviewed articles published in indexed journals (other than SCI) and as conference papers
Kumari KASI, Senanayaka DMJB, Dhammika WAR, Fernando WMK, Dasanayake PJK, Nanayakkara CM and Balasuriya A
Asian Journal of Current Science 4 (1) 111-124
Publication year: 2022

Investigating the Potential of a Native Glomus as a Bio-fertilizer. 

Peer reviewed articles published in indexed journals (other than SCI) and as conference papers
Chandrasena WAGAB, Nanayakkara CM, Sumanasena HA
Journal of Innovation Sciences and Sustainable Technologies, 2(3), 107-117;
Publication year: 2022

A comparison of symptom-development by different isolates of Phellinus noxius: The causal agent of brown root disease of rubber, 

Peer reviewed articles published in indexed journals (other than SCI) and as conference papers
Silva MKR, Fernando THPS, Wijesundara RLC and Nanayakkara CM
Journal of the Rubber Research Institute of Sri Lanka 102. Pg. 19-29.
Publication year: 2022

Lichens as potential antimicrobial agents,

Peer reviewed articles published in indexed journals (other than SCI) and as conference papers
Mathushika MJ and Nanayakkara CM
International Journal of Pharmaceutical Research and Applications, 6 (4) August, pp 564-580
Publication year: 2021

Recent trends in disease occurrence in the non-traditional rubber-growing areas of Sri Lanka.

Peer reviewed articles published in indexed journals (other than SCI) and as conference papers
Silva, MKR, Fernando, THPS, Wijesundara RLC, Nanayakkara CM and Tennakoon BI
Journal of the Rubber Research Institute of Sri Lanka, 99, pp.14–22. 
Publication year: 2019

Preliminary Evaluation of Probiotic Potential of Yeasts Isolated from Bovine Milk and Curd of Sri Lanka, 

Peer reviewed articles published in indexed journals (other than SCI) and as conference papers
Rajawardana DU, Hewajulige IGN, Nanayakkara CM, Athurupana SKMRA and Madhujith T
Tropical Agricultural Research Volume 30 Number 3, pg. 27-41
Publication year: 2019

In Silico Pharmacological Analysis of a Potent Anti-Hepatoma Compound of Mushroom Origin and Emerging Role as an Adjuvant Drug Lead. 

Peer reviewed articles published in indexed journals (other than SCI) and as conference papers
Fernando MDM, Adhikari A, Senathilake NHKS, de Silva ED, Nanayakkara CM, Wijesundera RLC, Soysa P, de Silva BGDNK
Food and Nutrition Sciences, 10, 1313-1333
Publication year: 2019

Identification of potential fungal degraders of low-density polythene (LDPE).

Peer reviewed articles published in indexed journals (other than SCI) and as conference papers
De Silva JKA, Jayasekera GAU and Nanayakkara C. M.
Journal of Science EUSL (10-02) pp 1-10
Publication year: 2019

First report of big onion flower mold caused by Aspergillus niger on Allium cepa In Sri Lanka, 

Peer reviewed articles published in indexed journals (other than SCI) and as conference papers
WMK Fernando, RS Wijeratnam, DMJB Senanayaka, CM Nanayakkara, WAR Dhammika, WMW Weerakoon, AM Perera, WMSDK Wijeratna and DMK Dissanayake
Proceedings of the 5th International Conference on Agriculture, Vol. 01, 2018, pp 7-14.
Publication year: 2018

Building up resilience in the agriculture sector: minimizing the impact of nitrogen fertilizer on water bodies through Grey Water Footprint approach on paddy cultivation in intermediate zone, Sri Lanka, 

Peer reviewed articles published in indexed journals (other than SCI) and as conference papers
P. G. N. M. Palliyaguru, C. M. Navaratne, D. D. Wickramasinghe, C. M. Nanayakkara
8th International Conference on Building Resilience, Lisbon, Book of Papers 78-85
Publication year: 2018

An insight into isolation of natural products derived from macrofungi as antineoplastic agents: A Review. 

Peer reviewed articles published in indexed journals (other than SCI) and as conference papers
Fernando D, Senathilake K, Nanayakkara C, de Silva ED, Wijesundera RL, Soysa P, de Silva N
International Journal of Collaborative Research on Internal Medicine & Public Health, 10 (1), pg. 809-821.
Publication year: 2018

Phosphate-solubilizing fungi for efficient soil phosphorus management. Sri Lanka 

Peer reviewed articles published in indexed journals (other than SCI) and as conference papers
Kumari PDSU and Nanayakkara CM
Journal of Food and Agriculture (SLJFA), 3(2) pg 1-9
Publication year: 2017

Development of microbial inoculum to enhance the degradation of organic waste, 

Peer reviewed articles published in indexed journals (other than SCI) and as conference papers
De Silva JKA, Jayasekera A, Nanayakkara CM
The International Journal of Science and Technologe, ISSN 2321-919X
Publication year: 2017

Biodegradation of grease trap waste by lipolytic fungi under local ambient conditions, 

Peer reviewed articles published in indexed journals (other than SCI) and as conference papers
Witharana A, Ratnayake N, Manathunga, J and Nanayakkara CM
Proceedings of 5th International Symposium on Advances in Civil and Environmental Engineering: Practices for Sustainable Development (ACEPS-2017), pg 133-140
Publication year: 2017

Effect of storage temperature and processing conditions on microbial quality of desiccated coconut, 

Peer reviewed articles published in indexed journals (other than SCI) and as conference papers
Palliyaguru MPGNM, Nanayakkara CM and Purasinghe SS
Proceedings of the 16th Conference of the Science Council of Asia, ISBN 978-955-590-123-9 pg.209-214
Publication year: 2016

Bioremediation of petroleum oil contaminated water. 

Peer reviewed articles published in indexed journals (other than SCI) and as conference papers
Tharaka KPD, Nanayakkara CM, and Jayasekera GAU
Proceedings of the 16th Conference of the Science Council of Asia, ISBN 978-955-590-123-9 pg. 171-175.
Publication year: 2016

Antioxidant potential and content of the polyphenolic secondary metabolites of white rot macrofungi; Flavodon flavus (Klotzsch.) and Xylaria feejeensis(Berk.). 

Peer reviewed articles published in indexed journals (other than SCI) and as conference papers
Fernando MDM, Wijesundera RLC, Soysa SSBDP, de Silva ED, Nanayakkara CM
SDRP Journal of Plant Science 1 (1), 1-6.
Publication year: 2016

Strong Radical Scavenging Macrofungi from the Dry Zone Forest Reserves in Sri Lanka. 

Peer reviewed articles published in indexed journals (other than SCI) and as conference papers
Fernando D, Wijesundera R, Soysa P, de Silva D, Nanayakkara CM
Frontiers in Environmental Microbiology. 1 (2) pg. 32-38.
Publication year: 2015

First Report of Panaeolus sphinctrinus and Panaeolus foenisecii (Psathyrellaceae, Agaricales) on Elephant Dung from Sri Lanka. 

Peer reviewed articles published in indexed journals (other than SCI) and as conference papers
Ediriweera SS, Wijesundera RLC, Nanayakkara CM, Weerasena J
Frontiers in Environmental Microbiology. 1 (2), pp. 19-23. 
Publication year: 2015

Macrofungi from the Sigiriya Wilderness in Sri Lanka. 

Peer reviewed articles published in indexed journals (other than SCI) and as conference papers
Ediriweera SS, Wijesundera RLC, Nanayakkara CM and Weerasena OVDSJ
Journal of Mycopathological Research 52 (1) 48-52.
Publication year: 2014

Design, synthesis and antibacterial activity evaluation of 9-phenyl-10-(2-phenylalkyl) acridinium bromide: A novel acridine based antibacterial agent. 

Peer reviewed articles published in indexed journals (other than SCI) and as conference papers
De Silva RT, Perera RP, Nanayakkara CM
Current Trends in Biotechnology and Pharmacy 8 (2) 114-123
Publication year: 2014

A new record of Fulviformes fastuosus from Sri Lanka.

Peer reviewed articles published in indexed journals (other than SCI) and as conference papers
Ediriweera SS, Wijesundera RLC, Nanayakkara CM and Weerasena, OVDSJ
Journal of National Science Foundation of Sri Lanka 42 (4) pg. 369-321
Publication year: 2014

Nutrient management through biofertilizers for Export Agriculture Crops: A Review. 

Peer reviewed articles published in indexed journals (other than SCI) and as conference papers
Ranasinghe PKRS, Nanayakkara CM, Sumanasena HA, Samaraweera DN
Proceedings of the Annual Symposium on Minor Export Crops. pg. 243-257.
Publication year: 2013