Ilmenite-derived titanic acid species: exploring their outstanding light-independent antibacterial activity, RSC Advances 14:3379- 3389

Peer reviewed articles published in SCI journals
Wickramasinghe ND, Sampath AHJ, Nanayakkara CM, de Silva KMN, de Silva WRM
Publication year: 2024



Prevalence, isolation, and identification of histamine forming bacteria in selected nodes of supply chain of Sri Lankan Yellowfin tuna, Journal of National Science Foundation of Sri Lanka, 51(2): 215-223

Peer reviewed articles published in SCI journals
Ginigaddarage PH, Ganegama Arachchi GJ, Ariyawansa KWS and Nanayakkara CM
Publication year: 2023
  • Ginigaddarage PH, Ganegama Arachchi GJ, Ariyawansa KWS and Nanayakkara CM (2023). Prevalence, isolation, and identification of histamine forming bacteria in selected nodes of supply chain of Sri Lankan Yellowfin tuna, Journal of National Science Foundation of Sri Lanka, 51(2): 215-223

Global consortium for the classification of fungi and fungus-like taxa, Mycosphere 14(1): 1960–2012; Doi 10.5943/mycosphere/14/1/23

Peer reviewed articles published in SCI journals
Hyde KD et al. (2023)
Publication year: 2023

Eucalyptus leaf spot disease caused by Coniella eucalyptorum in Sri Lanka, Phytotaxa 630 (1): 040-050

Peer reviewed articles published in SCI journals
Brahmanage R, Wijayawardene NN, Nanayakkara CM, Muthumala CK, Dong-Qui Dai, Wijesundera S and Ariyawansa KGSU
Publication year: 2023

Necessity of a National Fungarium and a Culture Collection for Fungi in Sri Lanka, Chiang Mai

Peer reviewed articles published in SCI journals
Wijayawardene NN, Rajakaruna S, Dai D, Jayasekara S, Warnakula L, Ariyawansa KGSU, Fernando EY, Jayasekera P, Karunarathna SC, Singhalage D, Ukuwela K, Jayalal RGU, Jayasinghe RPPK, Muthumala CK, Madawala S, Hewajulige IGN, Rajawardana DU, Ediriweera A, Ediriweera S, Alawathugoda D, Rajawatta KMW, Jin X, Chandana EPS, Nanayakkara C and Wijesundara S
Journal of Science, 49(2): 248-271
Publication year: 2022

Identification and in-silico analysis of a novel restriction enzyme coding gene from Pseudomonas anguilliseptica

Peer reviewed articles published in SCI journals
Pathirana SNJ, Elvitigala DAS, Nanayakkara CM, Suravajhala P, Rajapakse S, Hettiarachchi GHCM, Chandrasekharan NV
 Gene Reports Vol 26 pg. 101487
Publication year: 2022


An insight into tropical milk microbiome: Bacterial community composition of cattle milk produced in Sri Lanka

Peer reviewed articles published in SCI journals
Rajawardana DU, Fernando PC, Biggs PJ, Hewajulige IGN, Nanayakkara CM, Wickramasinghe, S, Lin, XX, Berry, L
International Dairy Journal, 126 (2022) 105266, pg. 1-11
Publication year: 2022

Fungal Pathogens in Grasslands

Peer reviewed articles published in SCI journals
Karunarathna A, Tibpromma S, Jayawardena RS, Nanayakkara C, Asad S, Xu J, Hyde KD, Karunarathna SC, Stephenson SL, Lumyong S and Kumla J
Frontiers in Cellular and Infection Microbiology. 11:695087
Publication year: 2021

Multi-gene phylogeny and morphology reveal Haplohelminthosporium ge. et.sp.nov. and the first report of Helminthosporiella stilbacea associated with coconut tree in Thailand and a checklist for Helminthosporium reported worldwide

Peer reviewed articles published in SCI journals
Konta S, Hyde KD, Karunarathna SC, Mapook A, Senwana C, Dauner LAP, Nanayakkara CM, Xu J, Tibpromma S, Lumyong S
Life 11, 454, pg 1-53
Publication year: 2021

Morphology and Phylogeny Reveal Nine New Records of Polypores from Dry Zone of Sri Lanka

Peer reviewed articles published in SCI journals
Ediriweera SS, Nanayakkara CM, Weerasena OVDSJ, Karunarathna SC, Wijesundera RLC and Piyatissa MASU
Chiang Mai Journal of Science, .48 No.3 (Special Issue I). SCI Expanded pg. 893-908
Publication year: 2021

Nutritional aspects of three Termitomyces and four other wild edible mushroom species from Sri Lanka

Peer reviewed articles published in SCI journals
Gunasekara NW, Nanayakkara CM, Karunarathna SC and Wijesundera RLC
Chiang Mai Journal of Science, SCI expanded 48(5): pg. 1236-1246
Publication year: 2021

Anti-Inflammatory Effects of Sulfated Polysaccharide from Sargassum swartzii in Macrophages via Blocking TLR/NF-Kb Signal Transduction

Peer reviewed articles published in SCI journals
Jayawardena TU, Sanjeewa KKA, Nagahawatta DP, Lee H, Lu Y, Vaas APJP, Abeytunga D TU, Nanayakkara CM, Lee D and You-Jin Jeon
Transduction, Marine Drugs 2020 18, 601, 1-20
Publication year: 2020

Fucoidan Purified from Sargassum polycystum Induces Apoptosis through Mitochondria-Mediated Pathway in HL-60 and MCF-7 Cells

Peer reviewed articles published in SCI journals
Fernando IPS, Sanjeewa KKA, Lee HG, Kim H, Vaas APJP, De Silva HIC, Nanayakkara CM, Abeytunga DTU, Lee D, Lee J and You-Jin Jeon
Marine Drugs 18, 196; pg. 1-13
Publication year: 2020

Characterization and cytoprotective properties of Sargassum natans fucoidan against urban aerosol-induced keratinocyte damage

Peer reviewed articles published in SCI journals
Fernando IPS, Sanjeewa KKA, Lee HG, Kim H, Vaas APJP, De Silva HIC, Nanayakkara CM, Abeytunga DTU, Lee WW, Lee D, You-Jin Jeon
Volume 159, 15 pp 773-781;
Publication year: 2020

A keratinocyte and integrated fibroblast culture model for studying particulate matter-induced skin lesions and therapeutic intervention of fucosterol

Peer reviewed articles published in SCI journals
Fernando IPS, Jayawardena TU, Kim H, Vaas APJP, De Silva HIC, Nanayakkara CM, Abeytunga DTU, Lee WW, Ahn G, Lee D, Yeo I and You-Jin Jeon
Life Sciences 233 (2019), 116714 pg. 1-9
Publication year: 2019

Beijing urban particulate matter-induced injury and inflammation in human lung epithelial cells and the protective effects of fucosterol from Sargassum binderi (Sonder ex J. Agardh)

Peer reviewed articles published in SCI journals
Fernando IPS, Jayawardena TU, Kim H, Lee WW, Vaas APJP, De Silva HIC, Abayaweera GS, Nanayakkara CM, Abeytunga DTU, Lee D, Jeon Y
Environmental Research 172 pg150–158
Publication year: 2019

Synthesis, Characterization, and Antimicrobial Activity of Novel Sulfonated Copper-Triazine Complexes. Bioinorganic Chemistry and Applications

Peer reviewed articles published in SCI journals
Katugampala S, Perera IC, Nanayakkara C and Perera T
Bioinorganic Chemistry and Applications, Volume 2018, Article ID 2530851, 7 pages
Publication year: 2018

Serpulanines A to C, N Oxidized Tyrosine Derivatives Isolated from the Sri Lankan Fungus Serpula sp.: Structure Elucidation, Synthesis, and Histone Deacetylase Inhibition

Peer reviewed articles published in SCI journals
Williams DE, Gunasekara NW, Ratnaweera PB, Zheng Z, Ellis S, Dada S, Patrick BO, Wijesundera RLC, Nanayakkara CM, Jefferies WA, de Silva ED, and Andersen RJ
Journal of Natural Products 81 pg. 78-84
Publication year: 2018

Rapid degradation of FOG discharged from food industry wastewater by lipophylic fungi as a bioaugmentation application

Peer reviewed articles published in SCI journals
Witharana A, Ratnayake N, Nanayakkara CM and Jayaweera M
Environmental Technology, Volume 39((16); Pages 2062-2072
Publication year: 2017

FTIR characterization and antioxidant activity of water soluble crude polysaccharides of Sri Lankan marine algae

Peer reviewed articles published in SCI journals
Fernando IPS, Sanjeewa KKA, Samarakoon KW, Lee WW, Kim H, Kim E, Gunasekara UKDSS, Abeytunga DTU, Nanayakkara C, de Silva ED, Lee H and You-Jin Jeon
Algae, 32(1): 75-86
Publication year: 2017

Cytotoxic effects of ergone, a compound isolated from Fulviformes fastuosus

Peer reviewed articles published in SCI journals
Fernando D, Adhikari A, Nanayakkara C, de Silva D, Wijesundera R, Soysa P
BMC Complementary and Alternative Medicine.16:484, pg. 1-11
Publication year: 2016

Comparative study of growth and yield of edible mushrooms, Schizophyllum commune Fr., Auricularia polytricha (Mont.) Sacc. and Lentinuss quarrosulus Mont. on lignocellulosic substrates

Peer reviewed articles published in SCI journals
Ediriweera SS, Wijesundera RLC, Nanayakkara CM and Weerasena OVDSJ
Mycosphere,6 (6): 760–765
Publication year: 2015

Antioxidant activity and in vitro cytotoxicity of the terrestrial Basidiomycete, Anthracophyllum lateritium

Peer reviewed articles published in SCI journals
Fernando DM, Wijesundera RLC, Soysa P, Nanayakkara CM and de Silva E
BMC Complementary and Alternative Medicine 15:398. Pg 1-9.
Publication year: 2015

Fulviformes fastuosus from Sri Lanka

Peer reviewed articles published in SCI journals
Ediriweera SS, Wijesundera RLC, Nanayakkara CM, and Weerasena OVDSJ
Journal of National Science Foundation of Sri Lanka, 42(4):369-371
Publication year: 2014