Study on identification of lipopolysaccharide types in Burkholderia pseudomallei strains isolated from patients in Sri Lanka. (PP06)

Poster Presentations at National Conferences & Symposia
NM Kiyas, E Corea, N Fernando, SM Handunnetti
Publication year: 2019

NM Kiyas, E Corea, N Fernando, SM Handunnetti. Study on identification of lipopolysaccharide types in Burkholderia pseudomallei strains isolated from patients in Sri Lanka. (PP06). Proceedings of the 9th Biennial Scientific Sessions, Allergy and Immunology Society of Sri Lanka, pp 32

Risk factors and school absenteeism in children with asthma from an urban afrea of Sri Lanka

Poster Presentations at National Conferences & Symposia
Fernando Y, Anuradha KWDA, De Silva U, Alahakoon M, Handunnetti S, Wickremeshinghe P
Publication year: 2019

Fernando Y, Anuradha KWDA, De Silva U, Alahakoon M, Handunnetti S, Wickremeshinghe P. Risk factors and school absenteeism in children with asthma from an urban afrea of Sri Lanka. Proceedings of the 133rd Anniversary of Sri Lanka Medical Association, 2019

Comparison of antigen profiles of pathogenic serovars of L. interrogans and non-pathogenic L. biflexa. (PP01)

Poster Presentations at National Conferences & Symposia
WGK Anuradha, PD Gangani, L Karunanayake, N Fernando, SM Handunnetti
Publication year: 2019

WGK Anuradha, PD Gangani, L Karunanayake, N Fernando, SM Handunnetti.  Comparison of antigen profiles of pathogenic serovars of L. interrogans and non-pathogenic L. biflexa. (PP01). Proceedings of the 9th Biennial Scientific Sessions, Allergy and Immunology Society of Sri Lanka, pp 27

Changes in peritoneal lymphocyte subpopulations and antibody response in rats immunized with purified LPS of pathogenic and non-pathogenic Leptospira spp. (PP04)

Poster Presentations at National Conferences & Symposia
DDWCK Dissanayake, SM Handunnetti, N Fernando, D Gangani, RD Silva, S Premawansa
Publication year: 2019

DDWCK Dissanayake, SM Handunnetti, N Fernando, D Gangani, RD Silva, S Premawansa. Changes in peritoneal lymphocyte subpopulations and antibody response in rats immunized with purified LPS of pathogenic and non-pathogenic Leptospira spp. (PP04). Proceedings of the 9th Biennial Scientific Sessions, Allergy and Immunology Society of Sri Lanka, pp 30

Use of molecular makers for monitoring therapeutic efficacy of malaria patients in the malaria prevention of re-introduction phase in Sri Lanka

Poster Presentations at National Conferences & Symposia
Gunasekera WMKT de AW, Premaratne RG, Weerasena OVDSJ, Handunnetti SM, Premawansa S, Fernando SD
Publication year: 2018

Gunasekera WMKT de AW, Premaratne RG, Weerasena OVDSJ, Handunnetti SM, Premawansa S, Fernando SD. Use of molecular makers for monitoring therapeutic efficacy of malaria patients in the malaria prevention of re-introduction phase in Sri Lanka. Proceeding of the 74th Annual Session of SLAAS, pp: 105

Serological prevalence and determination of cut-off levels of Leptospirosis IgM and IgG in relation to Patoc I strain of Leptospira biflexa in a cohort of individuals from a high prevalence region in Sri Lanka

Poster Presentations at National Conferences & Symposia
Balaji K, Weeratunga PN, Ramchandani KC, Wijerathne PBP, Sam G, Fernando N, Handunnetti SM, Fernando SD, Rajapakse S
Publication year: 2018

Balaji K, Weeratunga PN, Ramchandani KC, Wijerathne PBP, Sam G, Fernando N, Handunnetti SM, Fernando SD, Rajapakse S. Serological prevalence and determination of cut-off levels of Leptospirosis IgM and IgG in relation to Patoc I strain of Leptospira biflexa in a cohort of individuals from a high prevalence region in Sri Lanka. Proceeding of the 10th Annual Scientific Sessions of IBMBB, University of Colombo. 21st November 2018, pp: 39

Reactivity of population samples from Colombo district for anti-leptospiral antibodies in microscopic agglutination test

Poster Presentations at National Conferences & Symposia
Balaji K, Weeratunga PN, Ramchandani KC, Wijerathne PBP, Sam G, Fernando N, Handunnetti SM, Fernando SD, Rajapakse S
Publication year: 2018

Balaji K, Weeratunga PN, Ramchandani KC, Wijerathne PBP, Sam G, Fernando N, Handunnetti SM, Fernando SD, Rajapakse S.   Reactivity of population samples from Colombo district for anti-leptospiral antibodies in microscopic agglutination test. Proceeding of the 10th Annual Scientific Sessions of IBMBB, University of Colombo. 21st November 2018, pp: 38

Preliminary study on pollen records during South-West monsoon in selected locations in Sri Lanka and direct effect of pollen on basophil degranulation

Poster Presentations at National Conferences & Symposia
Guruge BMA, Ishaka GKD, Handunnetti SM, de Silva R, Premawansa S, Premathilake TR
Publication year: 2018

Guruge BMA, Ishaka GKD, Handunnetti SM, de Silva R, Premawansa S, Premathilake TR. Preliminary study on pollen records during South-West monsoon in selected locations in Sri Lanka and direct effect of pollen on basophil degranulation. Proceeding of the 10th Annual Scientific Sessions of IBMBB, University of Colombo. 21st November 2018, pp: 34

Preliminary study on CTLA-4 gene mutations in Inflammatory Bowel Disease in Sri Lanka

Poster Presentations at National Conferences & Symposia
Hewagama AHS, Pathirana SL, Handunnetti SM, Seneviratne S
Publication year: 2018

Hewagama AHS, Pathirana SL, Handunnetti SM, Seneviratne S. Preliminary study on CTLA-4 gene mutations in Inflammatory Bowel Disease in Sri Lanka. Proceeding of the 10th Annual Scientific Sessions of IBMBB, University of Colombo. 21st November 2018, pp: 31

Optimization of isolation of BK viral DNA from renal transplant patients and VP1 gene- based genotyping

Poster Presentations at National Conferences & Symposia
Ratnayake AKDVY, Fernando N, Gajanayake T, Handunnetti SM, Jayamaha CJS
Publication year: 2018

Ratnayake AKDVY, Fernando N, Gajanayake T, Handunnetti SM, Jayamaha CJS. Optimization of isolation of BK viral DNA from renal transplant patients and VP1 gene- based genotyping. Proceeding of the 10th Annual Scientific Sessions of IBMBB, University of Colombo. 21st November 2018, pp: 37

Immuno-proteomic characterization of Vespa affinis (Lesser Banded Hornet) venom and its cross-reactivity with the venom of Vespula vulgaris

Poster Presentations at National Conferences & Symposia
Gunasekara DLPE, Handunnetti SM, Premawansa S, Dasanayake WMDK, Karunatilake C, Ratnayake IP, Seneviratne SL, Dias RKS, Premakumara GAS, De Silva R
Publication year: 2018

Gunasekara DLPE, Handunnetti SM, Premawansa S, Dasanayake WMDK, Karunatilake C, Ratnayake IP, Seneviratne SL, Dias RKS, Premakumara GAS, De Silva R. Immuno-proteomic characterization of Vespa affinis (Lesser Banded Hornet) venom and its cross-reactivity with the venom of Vespula vulgaris. Proceeding of the 10th Annual Scientific Sessions of IBMBB, University of Colombo. 21st November 2018, pp: 33

Comparison of a two-step and a novel single step method for neutrophil isolation

Poster Presentations at National Conferences & Symposia
Lakmali AKD, Fernando N, Handunnetti SM, Premawansa S
Publication year: 2018

Lakmali AKD, Fernando N, Handunnetti SM, Premawansa S. Comparison of a two-step and a novel single step method for neutrophil isolation. Proceeding of the 10th Annual Scientific Sessions of IBMBB, University of Colombo. 21st November 2018, pp: 35

The effect of Munronia pinnata on natural killer cells

Poster Presentations at National Conferences & Symposia
Fernando NA, Handunnetti SM, Hapuaarachchi S
Publication year: 2017

Fernando NA, Handunnetti SM, Hapuaarachchi S. The effect of Munronia pinnata on natural killer cells. (PP05). Proceedings of the 9th Annual Scientific Sessions of the IBMBB, University of Colombo. 07th July 2017, pp: 33

In vitro Butyrylcholinesterase and protease inhibitory activities of selected medicinal plant extracts.

Poster Presentations at National Conferences & Symposia
Samaradivakara SP, Samarasekara R, Handunnetti SM, Weerasena OVDSJ
Publication year: 2017

Samaradivakara SP, Samarasekara R, Handunnetti SM, Weerasena OVDSJ. In vitro Butyrylcholinesterase and protease inhibitory activities of selected medicinal plant extracts. (PP06). Proceedings of the 9th Annual Scientific Sessions of the IBMBB, University of Colombo. 07th July 2017, pp: 34

Establishment of methods for retrieving Leptospira organisms/ antigens in urine and blood

Poster Presentations at National Conferences & Symposia
Weerasinghe HS, Fernando N, Rajapakse S, Premawansa S, Handunnetti SM.
Publication year: 2017

Weerasinghe HS, Fernando N, Rajapakse S, Premawansa S, Handunnetti SM. Establishment of methods for retrieving Leptospira organisms/ antigens in urine and blood. (PP03). Proceedings of the 9th Annual Scientific Sessions of the IBMBB, University of Colombo. 07th July 2017, pp: 31

Determining performance characteristics of an immunochromatographic in vitro diagnostic test for diagnosis of Plasmodium falciparum malaria

Poster Presentations at National Conferences & Symposia
Gunasekara WMKT de AW, Handunnetti SM, Premawansa S, Weerasena OVDSJ
Publication year: 2017

Gunasekara WMKT de AW, Handunnetti SM, Premawansa S, Weerasena OVDSJ. Determining performance characteristics of an immunochromatographic in vitro diagnostic test for diagnosis of Plasmodium falciparum malaria. (PP04). Proceedings of the 9th Annual Scientific Sessions of the IBMBB, University of Colombo. 07th July 2017, pp: 32

Assessment of RNS and ROS production by healthy phagocytic cells stimulated with leptospires in vitro

Poster Presentations at National Conferences & Symposia
Wickramasinghe Arachchi SM, Edward D, Fernando N, Handunnetti SM, Rajapakse S
Publication year: 2017

Wickramasinghe Arachchi SM, Edward D, Fernando N, Handunnetti SM, Rajapakse S. Assessment of RNS and ROS production by healthy phagocytic cells stimulated with leptospires in vitro. (PP02). Proceedings of the 9th Annual Scientific Sessions of the IBMBB, University of Colombo. 07th July 2017, pp: 30

R3  Mutational analysis of B cell activating factor receptor (BAFF-R) and inducible costimulator (ICOS) in patients with common variable immunodeficiency (CVID) in Sri Lanka

Poster Presentations at National Conferences & Symposia
Gayathri K,  Weeraman CPK, Sathkumara HD, Handunnetti SM, De Silva AD, De Silva
Publication year: 2016

Gayathri K,  Weeraman CPK, Sathkumara HD, Handunnetti SM, De Silva AD, De Silva R3  Mutational analysis of B cell activating factor receptor (BAFF-R) and inducible costimulator (ICOS) in patients with common variable immunodeficiency (CVID) in Sri Lanka. (PP7). Proceedings of the 8h Annual Scientific Sessions of the IBMBB, University of Colombo. 27th May 2016, pp: 35

Protein carbonyl as a biomarker of oxidative stress for differentiating critical phase dengue infections from severe leptospirosis

Poster Presentations at National Conferences & Symposia
Narmada Fernando, Shalini Wickramasinghe, Roshan Niloofa, Chathuraka Rodrigo, Lilani Karunanayake, H Janaka de Silva, Rajitha Wickramasinghe, Sunil Premawansa, Senaka Rajapakse, Shiroma Handunnetti
Publication year: 2016

Narmada Fernando, Shalini Wickramasinghe, Roshan Niloofa, Chathuraka Rodrigo, Lilani Karunanayake, H Janaka de Silva, Rajitha Wickramasinghe, Sunil Premawansa, Senaka Rajapakse, Shiroma Handunnetti. Protein carbonyl as a biomarker of oxidative stress for differentiating critical phase dengue infections from severe leptospirosis. 2016. The NSF Research Summit

Immunochemical characterization of venom of medically important ants in Sri Lanka and determination of venom cross-reactivity with Western ant species

Poster Presentations at National Conferences & Symposia
De Silva BD, Handunnetti SM, Premawansa S, Dias RKS, de Silva NR
Publication year: 2016

De Silva BD, Handunnetti SM, Premawansa S, Dias RKS, de Silva NR. Immunochemical characterization of venom of medically important ants in Sri Lanka and determination of venom cross-reactivity with Western ant species. (PP3). Proceedings of the 8th Annual Scientific Sessions of the IBMBB, University of Colombo. 27th May 2016, pp: 31

Immunochemical characterization of venom of Apis dorsata Fabricius (Bambara) in Sri Lanka (Hymenoptera; Apidae)

Poster Presentations at National Conferences & Symposia
Gunasekara DLPE, De Silva NR, Handunnetti SM, Dias RKS, Witharana EWRA, Dasanayake WMDK, Premawansa S
Publication year: 2015

Gunasekara DLPE, De Silva NR, Handunnetti SM, Dias RKS, Witharana EWRA, Dasanayake WMDK, Premawansa S. Immunochemical characterization of venom of Apis dorsata Fabricius (Bambara) in Sri Lanka (Hymenoptera; Apidae) (PP1). Proceedings of 7th Annual Scientific Sessions of the IBMBB, University of Colombo. 21st May 2015; pp 28

Genetics of common variable immunodeficiency (CVID): Role of transmembrane activator and calcium-modulator and cyclophilin ligand interactor (TACI)

Poster Presentations at National Conferences & Symposia
Sathkumara SMHD, De Silva NR, Handunnetti SM, De Silva AD
Publication year: 2015

Sathkumara SMHD, De Silva NR, Handunnetti SM, De Silva AD. Genetics of common variable immunodeficiency (CVID): Role of transmembrane activator and calcium-modulator and cyclophilin ligand interactor (TACI) (PP2). Proceedings of 7th Annual Scientific Sessions of the IBMBB, University of Colombo. 21st May 2015; pp 29

Adjuvant effect of combined hot water extract of Coriandrum sativum L. and Coscinium fenestratum on rat antibody response against Leptospira antigens

Poster Presentations at National Conferences & Symposia
Siriwardene AR, Handunnetti SM, Karunanayake L, Premawansa S
Publication year: 2015

Siriwardene AR, Handunnetti SM, Karunanayake L, Premawansa S. Adjuvant effect of combined hot water extract of Coriandrum sativum L. and Coscinium fenestratum on rat antibody response against Leptospira antigens (PP3). Proceedings of 7th Annual Scientific Sessions of the IBMBB, University of Colombo. 21st May 2015; pp 31

Involvement of serum reactive nitrogen species and reactive oxygen species in dengue patients in Sri Lanka

Poster Presentations at National Conferences & Symposia
Mapalagamage MS, Handunnetti SM, Premawansa G, Loeb M, De Silva AD, Premawansa S
Publication year: 2013

Mapalagamage MS, Handunnetti SM, Premawansa G, Loeb M, De Silva AD, Premawansa S. Involvement of serum reactive nitrogen species and reactive oxygen species in dengue patients in Sri Lanka. Proceedings of the 6th Annual Scientific Sessions of the IBMBB, University of Colombo, 3rd May, 2013; pp 35

Immunostimulatory activity of combined hot water extract of Coriandrum sativum L. and Coscinumfenstratum G. in rats

Poster Presentations at National Conferences & Symposia
Edward D, Kothalawala SD, Handunnetti SM, Ratnasooriya WD, Premakumara GAS
Publication year: 2013

Edward D, Kothalawala SD, Handunnetti SM, Ratnasooriya WD, Premakumara GAS. Immunostimulatory activity of combined hot water extract of Coriandrum sativum L. and Coscinumfenstratum G. in rats. Proceedings of the 6th Annual Scientific Sessions of the IBMBB, University of Colombo, 3rd May, 2013; pp 34

High serum nitrite levels as a prognostic marker for severe leptospirosis

Poster Presentations at National Conferences & Symposia
Fernando TRGN, Rajapakse S, Premawansa S, De Silva HJ, Wickremesinghe AR, Handunnetti SM
Publication year: 2013

Fernando TRGN, Rajapakse S, Premawansa S, De Silva HJ, Wickremesinghe AR, Handunnetti SM. High serum nitrite levels as a prognostic marker for severe leptospirosis. (914/A). Proceedings of the 69th Annual Sessions of the SLAAS, 2013; pp 211

Effect of reactive oxygen species on serum antioxidant capacity in dengue patients in Sri Lanka (913/A)

Poster Presentations at National Conferences & Symposia
Mapalagamage MS, Handunnetti SM, Premawansa G, Loeb M, De Silva AD, Premawansa S
Publication year: 2013

Mapalagamage MS, Handunnetti SM, Premawansa G, Loeb M, De Silva AD, Premawansa S. Effect of reactive oxygen species on serum antioxidant capacity in dengue patients in Sri Lanka (913/A). Proceedings of the 69th Annual Sessions of the SLAAS, 2013; pp 210

Coagulation disorders in patients with leptospirosis

Poster Presentations at National Conferences & Symposia
Threeswaran R, Gooneratne L, Handunnetti SM, Rajapakse S
Publication year: 2013

Threeswaran R, Gooneratne L, Handunnetti SM, Rajapakse S. Coagulation disorders in patients with leptospirosis (PP4). Proceedings of 7th Annual Scientific Sessions of the IBMBB, University of Colombo. 21st May 2015; pp 31

Ankyrin repeat domine 30 A (NY-BR-1) and Mammaglobin-B as markers for detection of micrometastasis of breast cancer

Poster Presentations at National Conferences & Symposia
Muraleetharan S, De Silva WHYD, De Silva K, Jayasekera P, Goonesinghe R, Seneviratne B,  Selvakumara R, Pathirana A, Weerasena OVDSJ, Handunnetti SM
Publication year: 2013

Muraleetharan S, De Silva WHYD, De Silva K, Jayasekera P, Goonesinghe R, Seneviratne B,  Selvakumara R, Pathirana A, Weerasena OVDSJ, Handunnetti SM. Ankyrin repeat domine 30 A (NY-BR-1) and Mammaglobin-B as markers for detection of micrometastasis of breast cancer. Proceedings of the 6th Annual Scientific Sessions of the IBMBB, University of Colombo, 3rd May, 2013; pp 25

Immunomodulatory activity of combined hot water extract of Coriandrum sativum L. and Coscnium fenestratum L. in rat model

Poster Presentations at National Conferences & Symposia
Kotalawala SD, Premakumara GAS, Handunnetti SM and Ratnasooriya WD
Publication year: 2012

Kotalawala SD, Premakumara GAS, Handunnetti SM and Ratnasooriya WD. Immunomodulatory activity of combined hot water extract of Coriandrum sativum L. and Coscnium fenestratum L. in rat model. Proceedings of the 5th Annual Scientific Sessions of the IBMBB, University of Colombo, 27th April, 2012; pp 35